Flyaway Bo ABC 488452
Country: USA
Submitted by: Breeder/Owner, Rebecca Gibson
Results: CARRIER
Additional information: Dam Imp Meg ABC 457790 is CLEAR, littermate Flyaway Nila ABC 488453 and paternal uncle Big Bend Howell CBCA 10521 are CARRIERS.
Owner indicates that Sire is a carrier, but test results have not been submitted to us.
Submitted by: Breeder/Owner, Rebecca Gibson
Results: CARRIER
Additional information: Dam Imp Meg ABC 457790 is CLEAR, littermate Flyaway Nila ABC 488453 and paternal uncle Big Bend Howell CBCA 10521 are CARRIERS.
Owner indicates that Sire is a carrier, but test results have not been submitted to us.
BigBendMaverick ABC 383959
Big Bend Stella CBCA 9894
Roy ISDS 309624
Blue (ROM) ISDS 330564
Imp. Int Sup Ch Star CBCA 3031
Ethel CBCA 55
DirtBlown Nick ABC 290883
Britt ABC 185403
Penybryn Sweep ISDS 277391
Flash ISDS 277989
Roy ISDS 183001
Liz ISDS 170734 Int Sup Ch Craig ISDS 188525 Grace CABC 116621 CV Cap ABC 222600 Lexy ABC 218447 Buttersett Lad ISDS 175393 Llandinam Bryn ABC 20369 Dale ISDS 248762 Jess ISDS 252467 Mac ISDS 245166 Cindy ISDS 246220 |