Kinloch Shaq ISDS 336549
Country: Canada
Submitted by: Purchaser of the test, Jaline Knoll
Results: CLEAR
Relatives in the database:
Sibling Kinloch Zayn ISDS 336550 is CLEAR
Half-sibling by sire Imp. Isla 424586 is a CARRIER
Offspring GS Nimble CBCA 19161 is a CARRIER
Nephew Quinn ISDS 340701 is CLEAR
Submitted by: Purchaser of the test, Jaline Knoll
Results: CLEAR
Relatives in the database:
Sibling Kinloch Zayn ISDS 336550 is CLEAR
Half-sibling by sire Imp. Isla 424586 is a CARRIER
Offspring GS Nimble CBCA 19161 is a CARRIER
Nephew Quinn ISDS 340701 is CLEAR