Spot ABC 383901
Country: USA
Submitted by: Owner, Kathy Flynn
Results: CARRIER
Additional Information:
BAER testing in 2017 and 2018 showed normal hearing. In August of 2019, Kathy noticed that Spot was having trouble hearing whistles at a distance and had him tested again. BAER testing in September/October 2019 showed hearing loss in one ear. At a routine checkup in June 2020 the vet removed 2 foxtails from his left ear that appeared to have been in there for a while. He has not been BAER tested again since then, but Kathy is no longer seeing him struggling with whistles at a distance and believes that the foxtails were the cause of the hearing issues.
Relatives in the database:
Littermates Colt ABC 383903 and Nick ABC 445761 are CLEAR
Nephew Ben ABC 445761 is CLEAR
Cousin B'Sweet Suzy ABC 401610 is untested for EAOD but has significant hearing loss confirmed via BAER testing
Submitted by: Owner, Kathy Flynn
Results: CARRIER
Additional Information:
BAER testing in 2017 and 2018 showed normal hearing. In August of 2019, Kathy noticed that Spot was having trouble hearing whistles at a distance and had him tested again. BAER testing in September/October 2019 showed hearing loss in one ear. At a routine checkup in June 2020 the vet removed 2 foxtails from his left ear that appeared to have been in there for a while. He has not been BAER tested again since then, but Kathy is no longer seeing him struggling with whistles at a distance and believes that the foxtails were the cause of the hearing issues.
Relatives in the database:
Littermates Colt ABC 383903 and Nick ABC 445761 are CLEAR
Nephew Ben ABC 445761 is CLEAR
Cousin B'Sweet Suzy ABC 401610 is untested for EAOD but has significant hearing loss confirmed via BAER testing