Imp. Mick ISDS 307985/ABC 396697
Country: USA
Submitted by: Owner, Karen Thompson
Results: CARRIER
Relatives in the database:
Offspring TBC Benson ABC 418904 and TBC Shine On ABC 416294 are CLEAR
Offspring TBC Brecon ABC 407429 is AT RISK
Half-sibling by sire Imp. Fresh ISDS 345928 is CLEAR
Half-siblings by sire Creekside Abe CBCA 7061, Gin ABC 404902, Jaff ISDS 308315, and Imp. Mick ISDS 307985/ABC 396697 are CARRIERS
Submitted by: Owner, Karen Thompson
Results: CARRIER
Relatives in the database:
Offspring TBC Benson ABC 418904 and TBC Shine On ABC 416294 are CLEAR
Offspring TBC Brecon ABC 407429 is AT RISK
Half-sibling by sire Imp. Fresh ISDS 345928 is CLEAR
Half-siblings by sire Creekside Abe CBCA 7061, Gin ABC 404902, Jaff ISDS 308315, and Imp. Mick ISDS 307985/ABC 396697 are CARRIERS
Int Sup Ch Mirk ISDS 272009
Kay ISDS 275835
Jaff ISDS 231424
Kemi Gypsy ISDS 262209
Kep ISDS 258546
Cockburn Queen ISDS 241831
Vic ISDS 214578
Maddie ISDS 212573
Mac ISDS 254267
Lass ISDS 238963
Whiterose Kep ISDS 228380
Upland Cass ISDS 250914
Tremyny'dd Storm ISDS 222108
Sneek ISDS 217122
Bill ISDS 194117
Ray ISDS 190056 Hope ISDS 158875 Floss ISDS 165517 Mac ISDS 187805 Jet ISDS 211776 Ben ISDS 185466 Nan ISDS 212521 Moss ISDS 173999 Gail ISDS 207961 Int Sup Ch Star ISDS 211076 Jill ISDS 235302 Spot ISDS 196287 Meg ISDS 173747 Rock ISDS 162204 Fly ISDS 194309 |